For this blog, I chose to read chapter 10 of the BBG. I chose this instead of the Wikipedia article because I was confused and hesitant about project 3 when it was first brought up in class. Chapter 10 of the BBG covers “Assembling a Multigenre Project,” which is precisely what Project 3 is for this class. In the chapter it talks about different possible genre and media options, such as an annotated timeline, a video presentation, a story, a slide show, interview, etc. I found this section inspiring and calmed my nerves about what kinds of things I could create for this project. It also covers the purpose of creating a multigenre portfolio, and how it is important to reach your intended audience and use rhetorical appeals to your advantage. The book describes this kind of project as a way to join a conversation about a particular subject or issue. This helped me understand why we are creating these genres and how they are supposed to interact with your community and explain it in a different manner rather than just explaining it. The chapter also gives a few steps you can take to assemble your project, this I found helpful because it breaks down the information into attainable goals you can work toward to create a completed project. Then there are several samples given of students who have created a multigenre project to give some ideas and further explain how and why we are creating this type of project.