After reading David Foster Wallace's article about the Maine Lobster Festival, I am beginning to understand more about how Project 2 is going to be organized, its elements, and formalities. I was originally lost when Project 2 was first introduced, I didn't know what I was going to do, and I wasn't sure of how formal or informal it was supposed to be. However, after reading this, I understand it is an analysis of a community (or event in this case), how it functions, its background and personal voice about it. Wallace begins with a little background of the festival, Maine, and lobsters in general. This I thought was very interesting because he took a single word from the title of the event and broke it down individually before discussing the overall event. The structure of the article is also interesting to me, as he switches from background information to personal voice and opinion and back again. Also, the way he discusses multiple issues about the event such as the equipment (or lack of) they give you, how specific attractions cost extra money, and the idea of humanity of submerging a living creature in boiling water. This allowed me to understand the different views we can take when we create our projects, and the idea that we are supposed to think outside of the box and focus on problems one wouldn't usually think about. Also side note: I didn't know the word lobster comes from a Latin word meaning spider. I thought this was super interesting because I always thought of lobsters and crabs as the spiders of the sea.
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