After reading Chapter 5 of the Bedford Book of Genres, I am feeling more confident about creating my research proposal. This chapter discusses how to choose a topic after conducting research, and how to move from a research question to a proposal. This was very helpful as we need to write our research proposal this week for class. A research proposal sets forth the writer’s reasons for choosing his or her particular topic. It also allows the writer to fine tune their question and really focus on what they feel is most important to express to the reader. The chapter also explains the difference and purpose of an annotated and working bibliography. These are integral to giving credit to the information you use in your writing. An annotated bibliography gives an explanation of how each source will be of use to the final paper. Even if the source is not ultimately used, it helps the writer gain more information about the topic and provides back-up info if needed later. A research proposal is really meant to aid the writer, not something we are just doing for a grade. It allows us to understand the direction our paper is headed and what extra information we need to research in order to write an informative and compelling paper.